SB DX @ ALLBBS $RTDX0430 VK2SG RTTY DX Notes, 30 April VK2SG RTTY DX Notes for week ending 30 April 1993 (BID RTDX0430) While over 35,000 hams all over the world were at Dayton, conditions picked up for a lively week of DX for those who remained at home. The great news is that Syd, VK2SG was scheduled to return home this week, after 3-1/2 months in hospitals. Cheers to you, Syd old chap! Thanks this week go to CE3GDN, DJ3IW and the Central Europe DX Cluster, I5FLN, KE6XJ, N5PSI, VK2EG, VP8CIL, WA1MPB, WB2CJL, ZS5S, and the NJ0M Node of the Twin Cities DX Packet Cluster Network. Bandpass: Friday 23 0000-14082 HZ1AB QSL via K8PYD 1218-21089 UL7PBY 2054-14081 PZ1BS 2131-14085 9Y4SF 2149-14084 FM4FZ 2247-14080 EA8ATE Saturday 24 0313-14084 CX5BW 1100-21082 UI8VAL 1119-21087 A71CW QSL Chris Box 22101, Doha, Qatar 1159-21081 UL7PB 1523-14086 AP2KS 1526-21084 VP8CIL QSL via G0EHR 1803-14088 UG6GG 1859-21083 ZD7AY 1923-21085 ET3SID Sunday 25 0005-14081 TA8ZA 0724-21077 ET3SID ARQ - See Note + 0905-21079 T5SM ARQ 1001-21087 5Z4TT QSL via SP5BUD 1141-14089 UA0ST 1155-14077 HI8BG PACTOR 1452-21088 A71CW 1809-21086 ET3SID 1842-21089 5Z4TT 1907-21087 5T5KH QSL via WB8LFO 1943-21083 HV3SJ 2102-21079 VU3MAM 2114-21086 S57AN 2123-21082 KP4CKY 2139-14082 PJ2MI 2143-21088 CO2RA Monday 26 0020-14087 KG4CB QSL via WD9APE 0200-14084 PZ1BS 0212-14086 EA6PZ 0607-14090 KH3AF 0748-14085 ZK3RW QSL via ZL1AMO 0805-14080 FO4OD 1215-14077 HI8BG PACTOR 1521-14088 OD5PL 1733-14083 VU2DIG 1934-21085 5Z4FM 1940-21087 5T5KH 2029-14081 SU1AH 2206-14084 ZD8DEZ Tuesday 27 0406-14087 4N4ENS QSL via DJ0JV 0740-14089 OK2TBV 1714-21087 HJ4SAN 1717-14087 4X/OK1FGC QSL via OK1AJN 1736-14085 RT7U 1756-21087 CX5BW 1845-21083 5X1XT QSL via WF5T 2040-21087 5T5KH 2207-21089 OK1AJN QSL P.O. Box 127, 46601 Jablonec, Czech Republic Wednesday 28 0115-14082 5X1XT QSX up. (QRM from PACTOR - See note +) 0205-14081 OA4CN 0218-14084 LU1PHZ O022-14092 RT4UA 0327-14088 OH2OM 1125-14087 UA0LEJ 1851-21088 GM0/WN1G 2030-21086 5T5KH Thursday 29 0205-14084 4N4ENS (QRM from PACTOR - See Note +) 0258-14096 OM3LA 1500-28080 WP4KAG Raul in Rio Piras 1931-21087 V51GB 1955-21085 5T5KH Notes of Interest: +Please ask your PACTOR friends to avoid the weak RTTY DX signal area above .080. Give the DX a break. There is plenty of spectrum for burst modes below .080. ET3SID requests your patience as he sometimes has 150 VAC resulting in distortion and RFI. He is QRV on RTTY, AMTOR, PACTOR and FAX. I5FLN reports that most of the hams in Europe are still waiting for 9D0RR cards from NT2X. What say Ed? Portions of this bulletin may be extracted as long as credit is given to the "VK2SG RTTY DX NOTES". Send your Bandpass, and Notes of Interest, for next week's bulletin to WB2CJL @ CE3GDN.#STGO.CHL.SA or WB2CJL @ ZS5S.NTL.ZAC.AF 73 es Good Hunting de Jules W2JGR @ CE3GDN.#STGO.CHL.SA Edited for Pactor and packet by N6EQZ. /EX SP KT7H @ N7DUO.WA.USA 4/30/93 This confirms the RTTY bulletin for 4/30/93. /EX